Homemade embedded CPU on an FPGA

Part of the series University projects (0 posts total).

On my 4th semester, the theme was digital systems. Someone in our group had a family member with a pellet furnace he would like to design his own controller for, and this somehow evolved into a project in which we created our own CPU on an FPGA. This CPU was then to act as a programmable logic controller (PLC) for a smart home with many devices. At least in theory. The requirements of the CPU was that it must:

Topology overview of the designed CPU split into several groups.

Topology overview of the designed CPU split into several groups.

Due to time constraints we were not able to implement the PID, and communication interfaces other than Wi-Fi and GSM (phone). The CPU is programmed on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) which is unit consisting of a very large of amount of logic blocks, the connections between which can systematically be programmed using a hardware description language (HDL). In essence, you can program an arbitrary digital circuit (not simulation) by setting the values of multiplexers, look-up tables and charging certain capacitors. This sounds way more difficult than it is, as everything is handled by the FPGA and you just need to specify the circuit in HDL. We use the HDL language VHDL, where the V stands for very high speed (yes it is real).


Signal path diagram of the CPU.

Signal path diagram of the CPU.

The CPU generally follows the flow:

  1. A rising edge on the clock signal begins a new cycle.
  2. PC_FETCH updates the program counter (PC) responsible for keeping track of where we are in the code. Normally PC is advanced once forward, but for logic statements (IF, WHILE, ELSE) or jumps the PC must be changed accordingly. This is controlled by the skip and jump flags set by the INSTRUCTION_DECODER.
  3. The RAM_PREFETCHER examines the command for the next PC (if it is known) and begins addressing the memory in preparation for next cycle. It does so by setting the address signal for the RAM block. This is necessary due to the random access memory (RAM) having a read latency of a clock cycle not allowing for fetching and usage of memory in the same cycle.
  4. The INSTRUCTION_DECODER takes the current command and performs it. This involves either using the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) or setting various control signals for the hardware modules or extern communication interfaces.
  5. If the ALU is used, arithmetic between the signal on A-bus and B-bus is performed. These signals can come from the instruction itself (constants) or from memory (prefetched). The ALU can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and logical operations (AND, NOT, OR) only on integers. Floating points (decimal numbers) must be implemented in programming.
  6. The output of the ALU is placed on the C-bus where it can go to back into ram, or be connected to some other part of the system depending on cmd. The output of the ALU is also available for the next cycle as it is saved in a register for quick access without RAM usage.

The CPU gets its instructions from RAM. The RAM is split into two ports, one used for storing the program and the other for intermediate variables. The RAM is realized as a true dual port RAM, meaning that each port has their own address signals and outputs and may be accessed concurrently. The instructions are stored and read in machine code which is just a bunch of bits (0’s and 1’s) in memory. Each instruction consists of the operation, called the opcode a register value, called reg and a constant value, called val. The opcode is chosen to be 8 bits, the reg 4 bits and the val 16 bits. An example is seen below, which is the instruction for adding the val of 25 to reg 1.

[OPCODE ]  [REG] [VAL              ]
0000 1110  0001  0000 0000 0001 1001

The reg variable indicates one of 16 16-bit registers which are available to the CPU without latency. These are heavily utilised when programming the CPU as it is much more convenient than RAM at the cost of a small amount of memory.

The assembler

The machine code above is very hard to program and even harder to read. For this reason, we decided that the system must be able to be programmed in another language. The simplest, non-trivial language we could realistically implement in the given time frame was an assembly-like language. An assembly language is a language with very close correspondence to the machine architecture.

Each line consists of an opcode represented by a name possibly followed by a registry and a value just as it is written in machine code. To use constant values the $ (dollar-sign) is used, which transforms the opcode to the corresponding machine instruction for constants.

ADD 0 1 ; Adds values in register 0 and 1 and places result in register 0
ADD 0 $1 ; Adds value in register 0 and a literal 1 and places results in register 0

Labels are also supported, which allow for the code to branch and jump around and implement logic branches such as IF, WHILE etc.

; This program will create a sequence of fibannoci numbers on register 2
; The sequence is: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,...
LOAD 0 $1
LOAD 1 $1

MOV 2 0
ADD 0 1
SLEQ 1 0 ; Overflow protection
GOTO Start
MOV 2 1
ADD 1 0
SLEQ 0 1 ; Overflow protection
GOTO Start

The assembler also allows for inclusion of files, such that a program doesn’t have to be written entirely in a single file. The assembler is written in Python and available on GitHub, where you can also find the full list of opcodes.

The hardware modules

As mentioned earlier, the CPU has access to various other modules which function concurrently with the CPU. These are:

Clocked finite-state machine for the timer hardware module.

Clocked finite-state machine for the timer hardware module.

The entire project ended up working well, and we made a functional and programmable CPU. At the exam we showcased a test in which we sent a an SMS to the GSM module, which was processed by the CPU which turns a servo motor correspondingly using the UART module. Alongside this, the on/off controller with hysteresis is tested on an LED. A video of the test is seen below.

What did I learn?

This was a good introduction to digital systems and in particular to FPGA and VHDL programming. Sadly, this semester was the beginning of COVID-19, so we had to work from home which complicated things. Still, I managed to learn a lot:

The code for the VHDL implementation can also be found on GitHub but it is sparsely documented.

Published 7. June 2023

Last modified 7. June 2023